I ask, they answer - Ali Knight

I trying something new around here! A blog that asks my favourite business people how they feel about marketing their business.

These posts are a no holes barred look at what marketing is like for REAL business owners. First up is Ali, who is absolutely one of my favourite people in the world.

Find more about what makes Ali tick, and also see how many times we can get bollocks into a blog!

What do you love about marketing your business, and why?

I love the fact that I don't 'market' in anything like the traditional way. I tune into what feels in alignment for me in terms of sharing what I'm up to and what I offer, and trust that those who feel the call will step forward. I love chatting with folx in the DM's and building genuine connection. I also love saying 'no' or signposting people to other sources of support if the alignment isn't right, or I know they are best supported elsewhere.
For me, integrity is EVERYTHING, so scarcity tactics, complicated 'funnels', 'teasing' and false promises are out. Genuine value, fair pricing, tons of love and nurture are IN!!

What do you hate about marketing your business, and why?

I hate the idea of hustle, and so I don't operate that way. I also dislike the idea that I *have* to talk or share when I'm not feeling it. Energetically, I know when sharing my offerings is exciting and expansive, and when my energy is calling for retreat and nurture, I honour that too. After all, that's what I teach so it would be a bit shit to not honour that wouldn't it!

What have been your biggest marketing bloopers? Share without shame!

In the old days... following methods that were advertised by marketing gurus!
Creating 'big launches' which meant having to create all the content upfront, felt wrong, and were frankly ineffective and exhausting at every level!

What marketing advice do you think is a load of b*llocks?

Anything that says 'do it this way for guaranteed results' is total, utter BS. What works for one won't work for every one.
Or 'you MUST do this, and you must NOT do that' - SAYS WHO?????

What advice would you give to someone who is wary of marketing themselves?

Do it YOUR way. Be you. Ignore what everyone else is doing (unless you're biggest goal is to be a robot). Get clear on your desires before you decide how you want to share what you're doing. Also be clear about your own boundaries and what feels good, genuine, and in alignment for you as an individual and as a business owner.
It's really important to share your magic with the world, and there's always a way to do that which feels in integrity, is genuine and is meaningful.
Lastly, remember slow growth is sustainable growth. The rest? Not so much 😜

Who are you looking to work with, and how can people get in touch?

I'm calling in more people to SoulMind®, my 12-month business growth container for soulful and rebellious business owners who understand that blocks in business often reside -and can be healed - within them. In SoulMind® we are passionate about supporting each human to work with what's true and beautiful for them - even if it doesn't look like what anyone else is doing. We meet weekly throughout the year to make sure that desires, healing, and aligned growth unfolds consistently and naturally - without force, hustle or having to subscribe to external BULLSHIT! 😂

Think collective magic, teaching, guidance, space and celebration to be you, group sessions, 121's, retreat experiences and guest expert teachings. All within a small intimate group of others who are carving out their own path alongside you. SoulMind® is both nurturing and encouraging, supporting you to create the success you desire on your own terms.

More information can be found

here https://www.aliknightcoaching.com/soulmind

And I'm always up for a chat in my DM's on IG (http://www.instagram.com/ali_knight_coaching)


Why are you saying that?