meditation and Marketing

So, on the face of it, these two seem like really unlikely bedfellows, don’t they? I get that; you’re probably scratching your head, thinking what is she on now!? 


In my head, which is slightly different to most, they are not that far apart. I’d say they’re pretty close in some respects. Let me explain. 

Let’s start with the problem

So, if you’re a pro-meditator already, you’ll know I am not talking to you, and the same if you’re comfortable with your marketing. 

But if you’re neither? 

Well, both may give you the same feeling, right? There is most likely a whole heap of uncomfortable lying on your shoulders, and I get that. It can make you feel stressed.

Marketing a business, of course, has more riding on it than being able to meditate, but with both, you need to start somewhere and exercise some patience in both cases, which can feel like a mountain to climb. 

No one likes that feeling, do they? 

Take it one step at a time. 

Yes, of course, we’d all love to be able to hit the ground running and do all the things that we wanted to do with our lives the first time that we attempted them, but life doesn’t always work like that.

It’s all about building the muscle. 

Both marketing and meditation need that same approach. Marketing isn’t a quick win, and neither is meditation. You may not see results with either of them the first time you do anything; you must keep showing up, which can feel hard.

Posting content day in and day out and getting no interactions can be hard.

Trying to sit to meditate and not being able to manage more than a couple of minutes can be hard. 

Small steps = big change

You will have all seen the memes and infographics that talk about small steps leading to big change, and you probably have all shaken a fist at them too (or is that just me?). Because we all want a quick fix, we all want that Dopamine hit!

This is why social media is as addictive as Reece’s peanut butter cups! 

But the point is that if we’re wired for a Dopamine hit, then anything that takes time to build on is not going to be sexy, especially if you’re someone like me who has ADHD. We live for a hit of that feel-good hormone!

So what can you do? 

Well, I struggle with this. I’ve found that rewarding myself helps a lot! I’d like to pretend this is my idea, but it came from reading lots of different people’s thoughts on ADHD and how to get some motivation going. 

It may be that you say that if you manage to create a week’s worth of content, you treat yourself to a coffee break, or if you meditate five days on the trot, you have a treat. It all depends on how you like to reward yourself. 

But by doing this, you’re getting the Dopamine that is missing from being in the learning phase. 

Get some help!

I know this sounds obvious, and in some respects, it is… But getting help can be key. It may be that you need to work with a VA or a marketing expert to get comfortable with what your marketing looks like for your business. 

It’s the same with meditation; going it alone can feel like hard work.  

What is also good about engaging with others to move you forward is you get a better experience, or at least that is my view. 

I am a massive fan of group support. Because not only do you get the support of whoever is running the session, but you also get the support of others who feel the same as you!

Remember that Dopamine hit? You’re more likely to get that, too, as other people are cheering on your efforts no matter how small they may feel.

What is not to love? 

So, what REALLY connects marketing and meditation? 

Well, me! (and, of course, all that I’ve said above) I firmly believe that being able to meditate will help you with your marketing. 

Why? Because it helps with stress. It can help you feel more creative, which usually comes when you’re more relaxed, right? I am in the process of putting this theory into practice too.

I am putting together a five-week course which will help you get a mediation practice started. I am designing it especially for those of you who think you can’t meditate, and I am hopeful that after five weeks of working together, you’ll feel the benefits. Ultimately, I hope that you then feel it in your business! 

So, if you want to be the first to know when the sessions are released, please sign up for my mailing list here… 


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But what do you do?